1) The Society will be known as Blessington Golfing Society referred to as “The Society“.
2) A committee of five ordinary members, in addition to a President, Captain, Vice Captain, Hon.treasurer, Hon.Secretary, Handicap Secretary and Ex.Officio, duly proposed and seconded, shall be elected annually by a simple majority of those members present. Two scrutineers, appointed by meeting, to supervise distribution of ballot papers and counting of votes.
3) A nomination for President will be proposed by the committee on an annual basis. The nominee must be a current member of the Society.
4) The quorum for committee will be six. Any committee member who misses three consecutive meetings without an adequate excuse will be asked to resign their position.
5) No officer can serve on the committee in the same position for a period greater than 5 years.
6) No Member can serve on the committee without being an officer as outlined by the constitution for a period greater than 5 years.
7) The Society year shall be the calendar year.
8) The annual General meeting shall be held in November or December each year.
9) A casting or second vote may be exercised by the chairperson of all committee and general meetings of the society.
10) The Chairperson if absent from any meeting may be replaced for that meeting by a simple majority vote i.e. a show of hands.
11) The Hon.Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of all committee and general meetings of the Society.
12) The Hon.Treasurer shall submit a financial statement signed by two members of the society acting as auditors {they having been elected at the Annual general meeting to each Annual general meeting.
13) The Committee shall meet as often as required.
14) The membership shall be granted to all applicants, subject to the approval of the committee at the next meeting immediately following the date of application.
15) The annual subscription shall be €50 per member, or other such sum as may be agreed at the Annual General Meeting, by a simple majority vote. Payment should be made before the 1st March each year.
16) A Bank account shall be maintained in the name of the Society and signatures will be any two of the following, Captain, Hon.Secretary, Hon.Treasurer.
17) All members shall receive 14 days notice in writing or by means of electronic/ text of the annual general meeting.
18) The committee shall be empowered to,
a) Appoint sub-committees from their own members and/or ordinary members to organize special functions, to control handicaps etc.
b) To co-op additional members to the committee with special skill or ability which could be of benefit to the Society.
c) To replace by co-option, committee members who resign or otherwise cease to be able to act as such.
19) Notice of motions of amendments to the constitution must be tendered to the Hon Secretary in writing, signed by the proposer, seven days prior to the A.G.M.
20) Motions of change to the constitution require to have 2/3 majority of those present, to be carried, proxy votes not eligible.
21) A special General Meeting of the society shall be called by the Hon.Secretary on receipt of a requisition signed by at least 15 members, which must clearly specify the object of the proposed meeting.
22) The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this Constitution outside of a general meeting.
23) The aims and objects of the Society are to assist in the promotion of sport through the game of golf at an amateur level.
24) The committee's decision shall be final in all matters.
1) The Society will be known as Blessington Golfing Society referred to as “The Society“.
2) A committee of five ordinary members, in addition to a President, Captain, Vice Captain, Hon.treasurer, Hon.Secretary, Handicap Secretary and Ex.Officio, duly proposed and seconded, shall be elected annually by a simple majority of those members present. Two scrutineers, appointed by meeting, to supervise distribution of ballot papers and counting of votes.
3) A nomination for President will be proposed by the committee on an annual basis. The nominee must be a current member of the Society.
4) The quorum for committee will be six. Any committee member who misses three consecutive meetings without an adequate excuse will be asked to resign their position.
5) No officer can serve on the committee in the same position for a period greater than 5 years.
6) No Member can serve on the committee without being an officer as outlined by the constitution for a period greater than 5 years.
7) The Society year shall be the calendar year.
8) The annual General meeting shall be held in November or December each year.
9) A casting or second vote may be exercised by the chairperson of all committee and general meetings of the society.
10) The Chairperson if absent from any meeting may be replaced for that meeting by a simple majority vote i.e. a show of hands.
11) The Hon.Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of all committee and general meetings of the Society.
12) The Hon.Treasurer shall submit a financial statement signed by two members of the society acting as auditors {they having been elected at the Annual general meeting to each Annual general meeting.
13) The Committee shall meet as often as required.
14) The membership shall be granted to all applicants, subject to the approval of the committee at the next meeting immediately following the date of application.
15) The annual subscription shall be €50 per member, or other such sum as may be agreed at the Annual General Meeting, by a simple majority vote. Payment should be made before the 1st March each year.
16) A Bank account shall be maintained in the name of the Society and signatures will be any two of the following, Captain, Hon.Secretary, Hon.Treasurer.
17) All members shall receive 14 days notice in writing or by means of electronic/ text of the annual general meeting.
18) The committee shall be empowered to,
a) Appoint sub-committees from their own members and/or ordinary members to organize special functions, to control handicaps etc.
b) To co-op additional members to the committee with special skill or ability which could be of benefit to the Society.
c) To replace by co-option, committee members who resign or otherwise cease to be able to act as such.
19) Notice of motions of amendments to the constitution must be tendered to the Hon Secretary in writing, signed by the proposer, seven days prior to the A.G.M.
20) Motions of change to the constitution require to have 2/3 majority of those present, to be carried, proxy votes not eligible.
21) A special General Meeting of the society shall be called by the Hon.Secretary on receipt of a requisition signed by at least 15 members, which must clearly specify the object of the proposed meeting.
22) The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this Constitution outside of a general meeting.
23) The aims and objects of the Society are to assist in the promotion of sport through the game of golf at an amateur level.
24) The committee's decision shall be final in all matters.